Course Overview:
This course is designed to take you from beginner to proficient in JavaScript, the language that powers the web. You’ll learn everything from basic syntax and data structures to advanced topics like asynchronous programming, working with APIs, and modern JavaScript frameworks. Whether you’re looking to build interactive websites or delve into full-stack development, this course has you covered.
Prerequisites for JavaScript Course:
- Basic Knowledge of HTML and CSS:
- Understanding of how web pages are structured with HTML and styled with CSS.
- Familiarity with Web Browsers:
- Basic knowledge of using web browsers, including understanding of the DOM (Document Object Model).
- Basic Understanding of Programming Concepts:
- Familiarity with basic programming concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and conditionals.
- Interest in Interactive Web Development:
- A desire to learn how to create interactive, dynamic web content using JavaScript.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- Lesson 1: JavaScript Basics
- What is JavaScript? Overview and History
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Writing Your First JavaScript Program
- Understanding the Role of JavaScript in Web Development
- Lesson 2: JavaScript Syntax and Basics
- Variables: var, let, const
- Data Types: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Undefined, Null, Symbols
- Basic Operators and Expressions
- Commenting Code
Module 2: Control Structures
- Lesson 3: Conditional Statements
- If, Else If, and Else Statements
- Switch Case in JavaScript
- Ternary Operator
- Lesson 4: Loops in JavaScript
- For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop
- Breaking and Continuing Loops
- Iterating over Arrays with forEach
Module 3: Functions and Scope
- Lesson 5: JavaScript Functions
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Parameters and Return Values
- Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
- Higher-Order Functions and Callbacks
- Lesson 6: Scope and Closures
- Global vs. Local Scope
- Block Scope with let and const
- Understanding Closures
- The Module Pattern
Module 4: Working with Data Structures
- Lesson 7: Arrays in JavaScript
- Creating and Manipulating Arrays
- Array Methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, slice)
- Iterating Over Arrays with Map, Filter, and Reduce
- Lesson 8: Objects in JavaScript
- Creating and Accessing Objects
- Object Methods and ‘this’ Keyword
- Object Destructuring
- ES6 Classes and Prototypes
Module 5: DOM Manipulation
- Lesson 9: Understanding the DOM
- What is the Document Object Model?
- Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements
- Changing Element Styles and Attributes
- Adding and Removing DOM Elements
- Lesson 10: Events in JavaScript
- Handling Events: Click, Mouseover, Keypress, etc.
- Event Propagation and Delegation
- Working with Event Listeners
- Preventing Default Actions and Event Bubbling
Module 6: Asynchronous JavaScript
- Lesson 11: Working with Asynchronous Code
- Understanding Synchronous vs Asynchronous Code
- Callbacks and Callback Hell
- Promises: Creating, Chaining, and Error Handling
- Lesson 12: Async/Await
- Introduction to Async/Await Syntax
- Writing Clean Asynchronous Code
- Error Handling in Async/Await
- Combining Promises and Async/Await
Module 7: Working with APIs and AJAX
- Lesson 13: Introduction to APIs
- What is an API?
- Working with RESTful APIs
- Fetch API for Making HTTP Requests
- Handling JSON Data
- Lesson 14: AJAX and JSON
- Understanding AJAX
- Making Asynchronous Calls with XMLHttpRequest
- Fetching and Displaying Data with Fetch API
- Sending Data to a Server with POST Requests
Module 8: Advanced JavaScript Concepts
- Lesson 15: Error Handling and Debugging
- Using try, catch, and finally
- Throwing Custom Errors
- Debugging with Console and DevTools
- Best Practices for Error Handling
- Lesson 16: Introduction to ES6+ and Modern JavaScript
- New Features in ES6 and Beyond (let, const, arrow functions, etc.)
- Template Literals and Enhanced Object Literals
- Destructuring Assignment
- Spread and Rest Operators
Module 9: JavaScript in the Browser
- Lesson 17: Working with the Browser API
- Manipulating Browser Windows (alert, prompt, confirm)
- Working with Local Storage and Session Storage
- Geolocation API
- Using the Fetch API for Network Requests
- Lesson 18: Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
- Overview of Popular JavaScript Frameworks (React, Vue, Angular)
- Introduction to React.js (optional advanced module)
- Setting Up a Basic React App
- Component-Based Architecture
Final Project:
- Develop a complete, interactive web application using the concepts learned in the course. The project will involve DOM manipulation, working with APIs, and implementing asynchronous JavaScript.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 9 hours
- Skill level Intermediate
- Language English
- Students 14
- Assessments Yes